Thursday, August 16, 2012


The year was 1990, it was a special year; the dawn of a new era, I'd say. 
Changing lives, cultures, the very people, their perceptions... and everything in between. 

It was when the Internet was very first introduced, by a man named Tim Berners Lee. 
People and especially marketers, have always feared it, and yet, at the same time was ever so curious to what its future held. 
1990 was before the time of DVDs and downloading movies, in fact, the Cinema, really was pretty much the only place to watch a movie. Would you believe that the top selling movie at that time was Ghost (you know the one... yes, that pottery scene)? Haven't seen it? That's okay, here's one you're sure to remember, and probably loved, from when you were younger (for those born in the 80's); Pokemon was released in 1992 would you believe!? Surprised? I was. My point being, the Internet wasn't something that occurred that long ago. Its not ancient, but it certainly feels like it. Why? Because of the enormous potential that it posed for everyone. Straight from the-go, the World Wide Web took off, and has become this super web that binds our generations, and dramatically shape the very culture of our lives today. In just over 22 short years, the Internet has become something so extraordinary, so complex, and so integrated to our everyday lives, that its almost hard to imagine what it would be like without it. The eyes of the business world caught on. 
In the short time that the Internet has been around, businesses of all sizes have started exploring the Internet as a main stream of viable resource. Marketers are starting to utilise the technologies of the Internet to understand, develop, create, communicate, and deliver value, to those customers. The Internet opens new doors for businesses, providing them endless opportunities to expand coverage, which allowed penetration of new markets. Some small businesses rely so heavily on the Internet that they even went on to report in a national survey that they would go out of business if it weren't for the Internet. 

So the Internet has become quite important to business. No doubt. 

However, the mission of iSocialike, is not just to validate the importance of the Internet, but in discovering growing trends of the world of digital marketing and the use of social media as a revenue for current and future marketing strategies. Its about exploring what makes digital marketing so special? How did we all come to accept it so quickly? Will the use of digital marketing become so powerful to the the extent where one day it will make marketing communications such as radio, television, and magazines almost obsolete? 

In the next 10 weeks, I will try to uncover more in the world of digital marketing. To explore various issues which will help nurture our understanding of digital marketing, and hopefully, answer some of these questions.  

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